Board Book | BabyLit Alphabet | S is for School

Board Book | BabyLit Alphabet | S is for School

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• From the creators of BabyLit Board Books
• Illustrated by Greg Paprocki
• Featuring a mid-century art style
• Approx 26 pages

Board Books are perfect for toddlers! The hard pages keep them from tearing the pages of the book and allow them to last longer! Each of these board books have approx 26 pages, each with a letter of the alphabet and a word and illustration that embodies aspects of the era or topic.

S IS FOR SCHOOL: A Classroom Alphabet- An ABC primer that introduces your brilliant baby to what to expect when they’re ready to go to school. Lots of kids look forward to going back to school each fall. This collection of 26 illustrations featuring words from A to Z will introduce toddlers to what all the fuss is about in a unique and engaging way.

The Venue at PLENTY

The Venue at PLENTY

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