2024 Dates Available At The Venue!

Book | Everywhere, Still

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• Format: Hardcover
• Size: 9.25"W x 10.25"H
• Page Count: 40 pages
• Written by: M.H. Clark 
• Illustrated by: Claire Sahara Lemp 
• Printed on FSC®-MIX Paper w/ Soy Inks

“I miss you and I love you. I know I always will. And even though you aren’t here now, I feel you everywhere, still.” 

What do you do with that love when someone isn’t here to give it to? Everywhere, Still is a book about missing someone.

It’s a book about loss and grief—whether that loss is permanent or temporary.

And it’s a reminder that there is always a way to stay close with the people who are biggest in our hearts, no matter how far across space and time they may be. 

Following a young girl on her own journey through loss, these words offer children the language to express emotions they may be experiencing.

Read them to a child when a grandparent or loved one has passed, a parent is living or serving abroad, a dear friend has moved away, or a pet is very much missed. 


The Venue at PLENTY

The Venue at PLENTY

Prime 2024 Dates Still Available